
Alipay, WeChat Pay Launches Health-Rating QR Codes to Track Coronavirus

February 20, 2020 5:35 pm

Beijing (PingWest)- Alibaba’s Alipay and Tencent’s WeChat Pay have released a health-rating system that uses colored QR codes to help Chinese authorities to track coronavirus as millions of Chinese are resuming work after the extended Lunar New Year Holiday.

Health-rating QR code has been deployed in more than 100 cities across China since Hangzhou has started the first trail in February 11th.

Users are instructed to fill out an online questionnaire that contain personal ID number, recent travel history, and a list of any possible coronavirus-related symptoms. After completing the questionnaire, users receive a color-based QR-code on their mobile phones indicating their health status.

The resulting QR-codes determine whether citizens are allowed to move freely or is instructed to remain quarantine.

Users with a green code can travel freely, users with a yellow code are instructed to stay indoors for seven days, those with red codes are required to remain in quarantine for 14 days. The users with yellow and red code are required to use the Alibaba-run work collaboration app Dingtalk to provide daily updates on their health, the yellow QR code and red QR code will turn to green code if the users complete daily check-in for 7 and 14 days respectively.

The health-rating system has been widely used by train stations or highways for travel checkpoint, by street community and neighborhood centers for visitor management.

As of February 19, Hangzhou has issued 7.25 million health codes in total so far.

“ Anti-coronavirus teams need a health-rating system that feature mobility map to track real-time updates for healthy, potential affected and confirmed people, Health-rate QR codes enable authorities to save times and costs of containing the spread of coronavirus.” Yi Zhi, Alipay's senior product manager said.